Medium Format
Medium format refers to the size of your roll of film (or if you’re talking digital, it’s the size of the camera sensor). It really just means that you are shooting on a bigger piece of film than you do with a 35mm camera. The increased size of medium format film means a much larger negative. This will give you finer details and less grain.
Choosing your Right Medium Format Camera
Twin Lens Reflex (TLRS)
TLRs use two objective lens of the same focal length. The photographic objective lens is the one that is used to take the picture. The other lens, called the view lens, is connected to the viewfinder. Most TLRs are fixed focal length, and the more expensive models may incorporate a rudimentary room function. Most TLRs use a leaf shutter system, resulting in high speeds, quiet operation and low shutter vibration. There are also close-up, wide angle and telephoto adapters for TLRs.
Some popular TLRS cameras are: Yashica MAT-124G, Rolleiflex 2.8F, Minolta Autocord and Mamiya C330

Rangefinder cameras are medium format cameras with a range finder. This negates the waistline, viewing that most TLRs carry. They are also much smaller than TLRs, and allow for easier point and shoot photographs. They tend to have limited focusing ranges, and do not have lenses larger than 180mm or 200mm. Rangefinders are quieter and easier to focus in dim light. They are mostly fixed lens models, but higher range models also provide for interchangeability.
Some popular rangefinder cameras are: Fujica G690, Mamiya 6/7, Bronica RF645, Norita 66 and Pentax 67
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360 Camera
From immersive 360-degree photospheres and videos, to visually fascinating Tiny Planets, 360 cameras offer a unique take on photography. If you love taking pictures on your smartphone, you’ll probably love shooting 360-degree stills and videos.
Getting Started with 360
Before you settle on a 360-degree camera, you have to ask yourself where your priorities lie. Form factors, still image capabilities, image stabilisation, mobile app quality, and the ability to shoot LOG and RAW media should all influence your decision. And then finally, there’s the price.
Cameras that can shoot 360-degree footage have at least two lenses; one at the front, and one at the back. These lenses capture wide-angle video. The camera stitches the footage together to create a single 360-degree image.
This has its benefits. There’s no need to frame your shots since you’re capturing everything around you. This is known as over capture. You can then edit the footage down later to create your video.
360 Camera Guide
360 Camera Guide

Insta360 One X | Master your footage from camera to YouTube

Insta360 One X Beginners Guide | Camera & App Tutorial
Shooting with 360 Camera
If you do shoot into the sun, frame the sun directly between the lenses – on the stitch line to both help hide and create even exposures – to minimise disparities and lines. For close-ups of people, keep them facing a lens so that the stitch line doesn’t dissect their face.
Many cameras offer basic manual exposure controls, DNG raw stills, flat video profiles, HDR and bracketing (very useful for extreme light and indoor photography).
Connecting a phone via the camera’s inbuilt Wi-fi or Bluetooth (or cables) makes editing images and videos by phone a breeze, especially with the Insta360 apps (the new GoPro app is a close second). Within minutes you can shoot, download, process and post 360 images, or even convert them to “tiny planets”, which are warped perspective images created by wrapping the 360 image or video around in the app.
Editing your Footage
There are two types of 360 videos - Monoscopic and Stereoscopic.
Monoscopic is the most common type of 360 video and also is what is commonly supported by 360 video players (such as YouTube and Facebook). These are flat renderings 360 degree renderings of a shot where you can move around the video, but you have no real depth perception (ex. Google street view).
Stereoscopic video is for creating immersive virtual reality environments, introducing 3D objects and depth into the video (ex. objects flying around you or reaching out to touch the object approaching you). Stereoscopic video can be viewed using a VR headset. This format is only used by the pros - is not typical for 360 videos hobbyists ($$$).
Editing softwares like Pinnacle Studio Ultimate and Adobe Photoshop make it easy to edit your 360 videos in an editing environment you may already be familiar with. Your camera does the work to capture the footage from every possible angle, but in a video editing software, you can refine your footage to tell the story you want to show. Add your footage to the timeline and edit! There are a few additional controls specific for 360 editing but if you are just looking to trim or enhance color, the timeline is all you need!
360 Editing
360 Editing

How to EDIT 360 VIDEO in Premiere Pro

Make Your 360 Photos LOOK BETTER FAST! Photoshop Tutorial